To charge your phone using a car charger you need your car’s ignition to be on, which means you can’t charge your phone when the car is off.
Using a car charger to charge your phone will not cause any harm to your phone’s battery or any other part so you can go worry-free.
Yes, Adreama’s car chargers charge your device just like the device’s charger. However, there may be some differences in charging time to fully charge the device.
Adreama’s car chargers support most of the devices; however if your device’s charging port is different from the common ports, then our car chargers may not support your device. So check the support ports on the car charger’s label before placing your order.
Our car chargers range is backed up with a one-year warranty so you can get them repaired free of cost or replaced (if can’t be repaired).
Yes, you can return any product purchased from our online store if you don’t like it or due to any other reason. We will not ask you any questions; just make sure you return the product in its original condition.